1. Summary and Introduction.--A series of tests has been made in the National Physical Laboratory 20-in. x 8-in. High Speed Wind Tunnel on a two-dimensional pressure-plotting aerofoil of five inches chord and RAE 104 section. The work included : (a) A comparison of the results obtained with and without spanwise bulges on the aerofoil surface (Ref. 1). (b) A comparison (to show the effects of a change in Reynolds number at high speeds) with measurements made in tile same tunnel on a pressure-plotting aerofoil of similar profile but having a chord of two inches (Ref. 2). (c) An investigation of the pressure distribution and flow around the aerofoil at high incidences for various Mach numbers. (d) A determination of the force coefficients, surface pressures and flow patterns for the aerofoil through a range of Mach number at incidences up to 8 deg. The present report is concerned with this last item.