Heat-transfer rates have been measured on a 75°58' swept delta model and a 20° wedge in a shock tunnel at a Mach number of 8.5. The delta model had a triangular cross-section which subtended an angle of 5°15' to the sharp leading edge. The local Reynolds number varied between 1.3 x 10(to the power of 5) and 2.1 x 10(to the power of 6). The heating rates obtained were in some cases only 30 per cent of that predicted by the Eckert intermediate enthalpy method. Heat-transfer measurements on the wedge, however, showed excellent agreement. The beginning of transition of the flow, as determined from the heat-transfer measurements, occurred at local Reynolds numbers down to 6.0 x 10(to the power of 5) on the ridge line of the model. A comparison of the delta model results has been made with the caret wing measurements of East and Scott and the flat-plate measurements with those of Richards.