dc.description |
This report is the final deliverable (D7) of the Eurilia (European Initiative in
Libraries and Information in Aerospace) project: a three year programme that
aims to enhance information access and utilisation of information within the
European aerospace sector. The partners involved in this project, which ended in
February 1997, were: University of Limerick (UL), Ireland, Cranfield University
(CU), UK, Technical University of Delft (TUD), Netherlands, Digital Equipment
Corporation (DEC), Netherlands, Sup’ Aero, ENSAE - Ecole National Superieure de
Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial (INTA), Spain, l’Aeronautique et de
l’Espace (SA), France. This project was funded by the EC Action Programme for
Libraries. From the outset the project has attempted to focus on user needs
within the aerospace sector and the first section of this report summarises the
key conclusions of the studies that were conducted at the beginning of the
project, all of which focused on the aerospace user. The second section of this
report replicated the tests on users which were deployed in the first stage of
the project to try to assess what changes had occurred in aerospace information
seeking behaviour and attitudes. Section two also presents the results of a
lengthy evaluation by users of the Eurilia software and the final section
presents the results of the commercial study, which included both an extensive
use of software specifically designed to test commercial viability, together
with the results of users’ views on the market potential of both the Eurilia
software and the content of the |