dc.description |
The work discussed in this report has examined, oscillographically,
the influence of variable slope and variable inductance on the characteristics
of short circuiting CO2 shielded metal arcs, and the variables affecting the
optimum welding conditions have been determined. It has been established
th9.t this optimum is usually below the maximum of the frequency voltage curve.
Both the slope of the power source characteristic and the value of the
inductance in the circuit have similar qualitative effects on the stability
of the short circuiting arc. Nevertheless, control of the dynamic response
by varying inductance has been found to be more flexible and effective. For
this reason, it is suggested that separate control of the static characteristic
and dynamic response is not necessary to obtain optimum conditions. Thus the
correctly designed power source for short circuiting CO2 shielded arc welding
should have constant slope of the static characteristic and continuous control
of the dynamic response. |