Darlington, M. W.
Part I
General Developments
The major part of the period under review was devoted to a study of
the tensile creep properties of isotropic and uniaxially oriented Perspex
sheets (standard grade) using the three heavy-duty creep rigs mentioned in
the previous Progress Report (No. 6. September, 1968). Measurements of
lateral contraction were made simultaneously with the tensile strain
measurements during most of the creep tests. The creep rupture behaviour
and optical anisotropy of the oriented sheets were also studied in an
attempt to present a more complete picture of the behaviour of the material.
Some of the early results of this work have already been published and
copies sent to the Ministry. (Darlington and Saunders; 1969). Details
of the complete work will be found in part II of this report.
The two types of contraction extensometer described in Progress Report
No. 5 were used during the Perspex studies and reasonable agreement was
obtained between the results. The techniques required with the contraction
devices were considerably improved during the period under review and the
absolute validity of the contraction measurements is now more certain.
Some comments on the general performance of the apparatus are given in
section 2.8.4.