Whitfield, D.
This project is a practical exercise in system design
undertaken by the previously named group of Electrical and
Control Engineering students. The object of the project is
the practical embodiment of ergonomic and systems design
concepts incorporated within a lecture series in the subject.
The whole project took place over the Spring Term and part of
the Summer Term of the 1964/65 Academic Year.
The material in this report was arrived at by considerable
discussion amongst the whole group, although for convenience in
the following text, the sections were each compiled by an individual
member. This method of compilation has led to a small amount of
overlapping between sections.
The project itself is concerned with the design of the
interface between a machine for carrying out tests on transistors
and the operator of such a machine. In essence it amounts to the
design of the controls and display panel. The commercial version
of this instrument, made by the American firm Tektronix, was not
examined until late in the project and consequently much of the
design arrived at by the C.O.L. (College of Aeronautics) group is
The C.O.A. group wish to acknowledge the help and guidance
given by Mr. D. Whitfield of the Ergonomics Laboratory, C.O.A.,
during this project.