Laure-Lean, D. W.
A method of obtaining aircraft frequency-response from
transient response data by Fourier analysis is currently being
investigated. This report describes progress that has been made
between the commencement of the contract (1st December, 1964)
and the time of writing (October, 1965). The dynamic response
characteristics of a Hawker Siddeley Dore' aircraft are being
determined from flight measurements using the Fourier method of
analysis. At present attention is centred on the longitudinal
response as the short-period mode of the aircraft is well damped
and should be defined by a simple transfer function. The
aircraft transient responses to various pilot-applied control
inputs are recorded and the Fourier analysis of these transients
is being carried out on a Ferranti Pegasus digital computer.
Three development flights have been completed to date,
and some preliminary results have been obtained, although the
detailed analysis of the flight data is awaiting the incorporation
of the instrumentation calibration into the computer programme.
This last procedure will speed up the analysis of future data.