The spanwise load distribution is calculated for wings with plates normal to the wing and parallel to the main stream, or inclined to it at a small angle. The calculations are made for configurations having minimum induced drag. The results are used to obtain an approximation for wings of any plan-form (where the condition of minimum induced drag no longer applies), including wings with sweepback. Wings with plates of equal height on the upper and lower surfaces of the Wing, and wings with plates on the upper surface only, are considered. Charts and tables for the additional load distribution with plates of various heights, 0 < h/b < 0.3, at the spanwise positions : b1/b = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 are given. Side-force distributions on the plates, as well as integrated side-forces and the moments of the side-force, are calculated. In the Appendix, a method of calculating the load distribution on wings with a discontinuity in chord, sectional lift slope, or geometric incidence is described.