A general programme of tests on sweptback wings is being made in the high and lowspeed wind-tunnels of the Royal Aircraft Establishment to supplement existing data. Low-speed stability tests have been made on two wings of aspect ratio 4.5 and 3.0 (Models A and B). Both wings were of 45 deg sweepback, 4:1 taper ratio and 14 per cent thickness ratio. The present report covers the tests made on these wings and is given in three parts :- Part I Stability tests on the two wings without body or tail unit. Part II Stability tests on the two wings with a body, fin and tailplane fitted (varying tail angle). Part III Tests made with two types of nose flap on Model A (aspect ratio 4.5). The results give the effect of aspect ratio on longitudinal, lateral and directional stability for a 'wing alone' and a wing, body and tail unit combination. They also give the value of the downwash at a constant distance behind the two wings. The nose flaps tested on Model A did not prove effective as a means of improving the stability.