The generalised relations for shock, strong detonation and Chapman-Jouguet detonation waves are used to determine the flow variables behind an attached conical shock wave. The non-linear ordinary differential equations of conical flow and their integration, inwards from the wave, are discussed. In the case of the shock wave (adiabatic flow), tables of the flow are given over representative ranges of cone angle and Mach number, for an ideal gas, with γ = 1.4. A few tables of the complete flow between wave and cone are given for the case of non-zero heat addition. The dependence of the wave angle and the transverse velocity component on a heat addition parameter, F, is also studied. It is found that the variation of wave angle, for given values of Mach number and cone angle, is such that an approximate collapse onto a single curve is possible. As a result, a good approximation to the value of the wave angle corresponding to any value off may be obtained, within the ranges of Mach number and cone angle considered here.