CONTENTS. The Continuous Beam. The Large Deflections of a Thin Circular Ring. Theoretical Discharge of Air from Ports in a Duct. The Estimation of Pipe Delivery from Pitot-Tube Measurements. The Influence of Wall Oscillations, Wall Rotation, and Entry Eddies, on the Breakdown of Laminar Flow in an Annular Pipe. Thermal Effects on Bodies in an Air Stream. An Experimental Determination of tile Spectrum of Turbulence. Sensitivity of Immersed Venturi-Pitot Head at Low Speeds. The Influence of the Mean Stress of the Cycle on the Resistance of Metals to Corrosion-Fatigue. The Resistance of some Special Bronzes to Fatigue and Corrosion-Fatigue. The Effect of Protective Coatings on the Corrosion-Fatigue Resistance of Steel. The Constitution of the Magnesium-Rich Alloys of Magnesium and Silver. Oscillatory Motion of a Fluid Along a Circular Tube. Relaxation Methods Applied to Engineering Problems. III. Problems Involving Two Independent Variables. Torsion of Built-Up and Reinforced Tubes. Application of the Galerkhl Method to the Torsion and Flexure of Cylinders and Prisms. The Elastic Stability of a Curved Plate under Axial Thrusts.