Estimates of atmospheric turbulence from counting accelerometer records show a large scatter. The simple assumption of a random distribution of gusts is inconsistent with this scatter. A formula which takes account of the ...
Section 1, some physical properties of an extruded cellular cellulose acetate. Section 2, the determination of poisson's ratio in compression of certain low density materials. Tensile, Compressive and Creep tests have been ...
A range of struts each consisting of 'Balsolite' filler sandwiched between two faces of one-sixteenth inch thick birch plywood has been tested in order to assess the efficiency of Balsolite as a stabilizer in sandwich ...
The purpose of the core in a sandwich structure is to stabilize the skins against local failure and to enable them to work together as a single beam, having a moment of section relatively much greater than that of the two ...
Schlieren tests on a series of conventionM turbine cascades have shown that the variations in performance at high speed can be accounted for by shock-wave and boundary-layer interaction. The rise in loss coefficient sometimes ...
The report gives an outline of the development of the principles on which potential problems in lifting plane theory are solved by the use of a vortex lattice for the purpose of computing downwash. The conditions of ...
Full-scale impact tests made on a Sunderland at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment were in disagreement both with basic model tests and existing theories. The existing information on theoretical, model land ...
The application of second harmonic control on a helicopter rotor causes a redistribution of the loading over the disc. This can be utilised to postpone the forward speed limitations imposed by stalling of the retreating ...
The incompressible second-order theory for two-dimensional aerofoils is extended to finite swept wings. The flow field is represented by distributions of sources and 'lifting singularities' on the 'chord surface' which ...
The shear flow on the annular walls of axial-flow turbo-machines is generally the primary cause of the difficulties encountered in the improvement of the performance and reliability of these machines. It creates a flow of ...
In recent papers it has been demonstrated that the so-called secondary flow which occurs when a non-uniform stream passes through a cascade of turning vanes or blades can be calculated by a consideration of tile turning ...
Kelvin's circulation theorem is applied to compressible flow through a cascade of blades and expressions are derived for the three streamwise components of vorticity at exit from the cascade. Calculations show that for a ...
The Navier-Stokes equations for the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid through curved pipes of different sections are solved in power series of the curvature of the pipe. The solution is given as far as the first power ...
This note gives examples and photographs of several structural defects which have occurred in service and shows that, although many failures may be due to fatigue or the application of excessive static-loads, some are ...
A method is developed for designing the centre portion of a cambered and twisted swept-back wing to have the same chordwise load distribution at all spanwise stations. For this purpose the downwash field induced by a doublet ...
A review is presented of the shear buckling of isotropic and orthotropic plates with a detailed consideration of the latter. An extensive bibliography is given and the details of the analyses in these papers are also ...
An analysis is made of the shear deformation of a corrugated web attached to the flanges at discrete points. The shear stiffness is calculated for a wide variation of the dimensions of the web, and two positions of the ...
In simple harmonic oscillation of the helicopter with hinged blades, the tip-path plane is tilted with respect to the shaft in the plane of oscillation and in the plane perpendicular to it. The angles of tilt can be expressed ...
The methods of classical aerofoil theory are used to derive a general theory for wings of any given plan form. Accordingly, the general downwash equation is split into two parts : one, the effective incidence, being due ...
This note gives a convenient method of obtaining CD from a pitot-static traverse in an aerofoil wake, using Jones' equation as modified by Lock, Hilton and Goldstein for compressible flow. Charts are provided from which ...