PART I - The Effect of Holes on the Strength of Materials under Compiex Stress Systems. In a plane test piece pierced by a cylindrical hole the greatest stress is set up at some point in the periphery of the hole. This ...
A 4-channel recorder, providing continuous traces against time on photographic film, has been developed for use with any instruments embodying Desynn transmitters. It is suitable for the measurement of quantities which ...
A simple theoretical argument leads to the conclusion that if Griffith's crack hypothesis is true, rods of brittle materials when subjected to radial pressure should fracture at a mean pressure equal to the average tensile ...
This report presents the first stage of an investigation of the response to random noise of a stiffened cylinder, representing an aircraft fuselage, including an analysis of the lower modes of such a cylinder. Preliminary ...
This report describes a series of free-flight tests designed to investigate various methods of body shaping to achieve low drag at transonic and supersonic speeds. In all, ten configurations were flown; three had unwaisted ...
Pressure and heat-transfer measurements have been made in free flight on a caret wing with blunt leading edges and nose, at speeds below and above the design Mach number of 2.47. Comparison with data from a corresponding ...
Pressure and heat-transfer measurements have been made on the lee surface of a delta wing at 14 degrees incidence in free flight over a Mach number range of 1.0 to 3.6 and at free-stream Reynolds numbers between 6 and 24 ...
Free-flight measurements have been made of the pressure distributions over a series of related afterbodies attached to a common cone-cylinder body of revohition. The Mach number range covered was from 0.9 to 1.5 and the ...
Measurements of the roll-damping derivative of three wing planforms were made by the free-flight roll-balance technique over the Mach number range 0.7 to 1.4. The wings were all of RAE 102 section, 7.5 per cent t/c and ...
Tests were required to be made on six kites over a greater range of wind speed than for previous large-tunnel tests. The kites used during the investigation were (A) 3-ft Cody kite Mk. II, (B) 3-ft reversed Cody or Dyco ...
The present report deals with the frequency response of pivoted gyratory systems, and in particular, with the response of the ordinary rotor blade, the Hiller servo-blade, and the Young-Bell stabiliser to sinusoidal ...
This report describes a frost-point hygrometer suitable for measuring the water-vapour content of the air in supersonic wind tunnels at any stagnation pressure within their present range of operatiom It uses CO2 as a coolant ...
An analysis has been made of the full-scale measured drag and lift performance, data available on the Sunderland, Solent, Shetland, Sealand, Saro E.6/44 and Princess boat seaplanes, which all have hulls of fairly orthodox ...
Tests have been made on a large four-engined flying boat (Solent Mk. 3), to determine the hydrodynamic performance in sheltered water and in open-sea swells. The sheltered water characteristics were investigated over a ...
This report describes an investigation into the hydrodynamic qualities of a Sunderland flying-boat hull, weight 50,000 lb, fitted with a main-step fairing of fairing ratio 17 : 1. The fairing was equipped with ventilating ...
Summary. This report gives further experimental results for compressible turbulent boundary layers with air injection. The experimental arrangement is similar to that used by Jeromin (R. & M. 3526) but, by a slight ...
The wind-tunnel tests on cambered gothic wings reported in Reports and Memoranda No. 3211 have been extended to include the effects of changes in design lift coefficient and of changes in spanwise camber without changes ...
A comprehensive simulation of a slender-wing supersonic transport aircraft during approach and landing has been flown by a number of pilots from airlines and test establishments. The aim of the simulation was to obtain ...
An axially-symmetrical supersonic fully-expanded jet of diameter 0.75 in. was investigated by pitot- and static-tube traverses in the region from the exit to 100 diameters downstream. The investigation is supplementary to ...
The present work was undertaken in order to extend the existing experimental information on the 30 per cent. Griffith suction aerofoil obtained by Richards, Walker and Taylor (1945), in particular: (a) to investigate the ...