The theory of the boundary layer on a flat plate in a uniform stream with a velocity of suction proportional to xpower-1/2 (x being the distance from the leading edge of the plate), has been developed by Thwaites a in a ...
Summary. A method is described for finding asymptotic solutions, valid for large time, of a certain class of linear, integro-differential equations which typically arise in the description of systems exhibiting heredity. ...
General Summary.--The subject of this report is the steady two-dimensional flow of a boundary layer over a permeable surface through which the fluid is withdrawn at a known rate of suction. This rate of suction is assumed, ...
Recent R.A.E. research on gusts has been particularly concerned with severe gusts and the situations in which they occur. In the stratosphere, mountain wave conditions and those in the vicinity of thunderstorm tops have ...
As a contribution to the study of vertical separation standards for use in air traffic control, an examination is made of the possiblllty of applying the spectral methods already used in gust load evaluations to the problem ...
THE TECHNICAL REPORTS published by the Aeronautical Research Council in the Reports and Memoranda Series have been so numerous that separate indexes to them have at times been published. Two Combined Indexes to the Technical ...
On the assumption that the/tow normal to the external streamlines is small compared with that along the external streamlines it is shown that the streamwise momentum equation, the energy equation and the equation of ...