The lift distribution on a two-dimensional wing oscillating in accelerated flight is obtained by solving the linearised partial differential equation for the velocity potential in the fluid flow about the wing and applying ...
Approximate expressions for the generalised airforces acting on a rectangular wing of low aspect ratio oscillating harmonically in sonic flow at low frequencies are derived in this paper. The modes of oscillation considered ...
The loading on a harmonically oscillating wing is represented by a linear combination of given functions which satisfy the edge conditions. The coefficients in this linear combination are determined, by an application of ...
A method of obtaining numerical values of generalised airforces on a thin wing oscillating harmonically in subsonic flow is described. It is assumed that the linearised equations of potential flow are valid. The essence ...
Two flat parallel surfaces, oscillating harmonically about a mean configuration are immersed in a uniform subsonic main stream in a direction parallel to the surfaces. The linearised equations of potential flow are assumed ...
A procedure is described for obtaining expansions in series of Chebyshev polynomials of the function [integration of e(to the minus i alpha u)du/(u squared plus 1) to the power of n + half] for all real alpha and all integer ...
The T-tail under investigation consists of a flat horizontal tailplane mounted on top of a flat vertical fin. The chords of the two surfaces at their junction are of the same length and are coincident. The T-tail is assumed ...
The flow of air past an infinite shell is considered. In its undisturbed state the shell is a circular cylinder. A portion of the shell between two normal cross-sections is flexible, the rest of the shell being rigid and ...
A flexible panel, set in the an infinite wall, is subject to an excitation force distribution which can be described by a correlation function. The panel vibrates and radiates sound. Expressions are derived for the intensity ...
Methods for calculating generalised airforce coefficients on a harmonically oscillating flat plate wing in subsonic flow based on linearised theory, have been in the course of development for many years. The linearised ...
The method developed by C. E. Watkins and J. H. Berman in N.A.C.A. Report 1099 and N.A.C.A. Technical Note 3009 is used to obtain the velocity potential on a triangular (or related) wing with subsonic leading edges oscillating ...