Five methods for the approximate solution of the momentum integral equations for the three dimensional turbulent boundary layer are presented. These include the removal of the usual small cross-flow velocity restriction ...
The object of a blade-to-blade method is to calculate the blade surface velocity distribution and the outlet angle for a given three-dimensional cascade. These give the heat drop or work done and indicate whether shock ...
Calculations are presented of the compressible turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate. They have been made by a new, general, accurate and economical procedure. The physical inputs chiefly comprise: (1) a form of the ...
Summary.--The lift, pitching moment and hinge moment are derived for a delta wing with a trailing-edge flap of constant chord when tile wing is at zero incidence in a supersonic air stream and tile flap oscillates harmonically ...
Summary.--The lift, pitching moment and full-span constant-chord control hinge-moment are derived for a cropped delta wing describing harmonic plunging and pitching oscillations of small amplitude and low-frequency parameter ...
This report describes an application of a digital computer to the aerodynamic design and automatic control of a large wind tunnel with flexible walls. The computational problem was threefold : first, calculation of the ...
The vortex-lattice method of calculating flutter derivatives presented in this note is an extension to higher frequencies of the work on stability derivatives reported in R. & M. 2922. The method is a modified form of the ...
A numerical method of solving the integral equation connecting the lift and downwash on a wing oscillating harmonically in a supersonic flow of any Mach number is described. The integral equation is replaced by a matrix ...
Comparisons are made between low-speed experimental results and estimates based on attached-flow theory for the lateral stability derivatives of slender wings at incidence, and it is found that the flow separation has ...
The need to know two-dimensional low-speed characteristics accurately in designing swept-back wings for transonic aircraft has led to a revival of interest in calculations of the loss of lift below the ideal-flow value ...
The purpose of this paper is to fred a sound approach to the problem of the theoretical prediction of sectional characteristics taking account of the boundary layer. Attention is mainly concentrated on the lift, since it ...
A method of calculating stability derivatives for wings oscillating at low frequencies is developed from the modified vortex-lattice method outlined in R. & M. 2470. Derivatives are obtained for the following wings describing ...
The aerodynamic loading is formulated for a family of symmetrically tapered wings describing simple harmonic pitching oscillations of low frequency in supersonic flow. The planforms have supersonic leading and trailing ...